St. Peter’s Outreach

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink. I was a stranger and you invited me in. I needed clothes and you clothed me...What you did for the least of these brothers of mind you did for me.” - MATTHEW 25:35-36, 40






We're delighted to highlight RefugeeNet this month as one of our outreach grant recipients! The Episcopal Refugee Network, doing business as RefugeeNet, is a non-profit organization that has been helping the refugee community for over 20 years. They're dedicated to helping refugees as they learn a new language, adapt to a new culture, and find a way to support themselves. Learn more at

News & Events

We share the love of Jesus Christ and positively impact those less fortunate by equipping, empowering and inspiring all members in outreach.

Helping Hands

Helping Hands is an on-campus ministry that provides sack lunches, clothing, hygiene products, and fellowship to homeless members of our community.

Helping Hands is open Monday and Wednesday mornings, rain or shine. We are closed on major holidays and at other times when the church office is closed. On average, we serve between 10 and 15 people per day.

Mission Statement: We strive to seek and serve Christ in all people, to be Christ to them, and treat them as Christ would. Our goal is to assist and encourage all people to achieve self- sufficiency.

Showers of Blessings

Join us on Saturdays 8am - 12pm at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Encinitas. Guests are provided a private hot shower, a meal, clothing and more. Help those in need raise their self-esteem, increase their employment potential and their social acceptance.

Showers of Blessings began at St. Peter's over 10 years ago, using a trailer-mounted portable shower facility to provide hot showers for people who are homeless, as well as breakfasts, clothing and haircuts, free of charge. In North County, we began offering showers two Saturdays each month at St. Andrews Episcopal in Encinitas, staffed by volunteers from St. Peter's, the San Dieguito Methodist Church, and St. Andrew's.

Interfaith Shelter

We partner with Interfaith Shelter Network to provide winter shelter for the homeless. Our volunteers cook, serve food, and chaperone overnight with our guests. This is one of few programs in San Diego providing case-managed shelter for families with children.

Our volunteers and congregations collectively have sheltered more than 8,000 homeless people for more than 200,000 bed nights since 1986. More than half of our shelter guests leave our shelters for more permanent housing because of the professional guidance they receive from our case management agencies and the personal attention they receive from Network volunteers.

Outreach Grant Recipients




Outreach Grant Recipients ~ 2024 ~

Outreach Grant Recipients




Outreach Grant Recipients ~ 2024 ~

Contact our Outreach Coordinator Gillian Crooks