Get Involved

We make an offering of ourselves because Jesus Christ made an offering of himself for us.  

We believe that all persons who are called to be Christians are also called to use their gifts and abilities, their skills and training, their time and talent to minister in Christ's Name and to help spread the Good News of the Kingdom of God. We look forward to serving God with you!

Serve the Church

  • Acolytes

    Participating on the altar is a great way to be engaged during the service, and gain experience through hands-on interactions. We acolyte Sundays at 9:30am and we’re pretty great. Nervous about trying it for the first time? That’s okay, practice makes it somewhat acceptable! Seriously, we’d love to have you. Ask me, Olivia, about acolyting after services.

  • Acolyte Directors

    Directors are adults who recruit, train, schedule and serve as advocates for our acolytes. Success as a director requires insightful knowledge of our Anglican liturgy, regular presence at services where acolytes participate, joyful interaction with our acolytes and a dedication to their spiritual development.

  • Altar Guild

    The altar guild has the sacred responsibility of preparing the sanctuary for worship. We set up the altar and clean before each service. We prepare the eucharistic elements for eucharistic visitors, arrange the altar flowers and make the space beautiful for worship.

  • Eucharistic Visitors

    Eucharistic visitors are lay people authorized to take the consecrated elements (bread and wine) to members of the congregation who are homebound. All eucharistic visitors must be licensed by the Diocese. This entails a 6 hour training in how to administer the elements and an 8 hour abuse prevention program called Safeguarding God's People.

  • Kitchen Ministry

    The kitchen ministry oversees management of St. Peter's kitchen, trains parishioners in proper kitchen procedures, and ensures compliance with all San Diego Department of Health regulations.

  • Lectors

    Serving as a lector gives lay people--both adults and youth--the opportunity to participate leading worship by reading the lessons and leading psalms and the prayers for the day.

  • Ushers

    St Peter’s ushers are the face of the church every Sunday morning and during Easter and Christmas celebrations. When parishioners arrive, ushers meet them with a smile, bulletin and assistance as needed. During the service, ushers collect the offering, direct the Eucharist, and address emergencies. Afterwards, it takes five minutes to clean up the pews, and deposit the collection plate before leaving for their post-service activity.

  • Worship Leaders

    Worship leaders lead public worship services in the absence of clergy. They may work with Eucharistic Visitors to lead worship at nursing facilities or senior residences. They must complete a diocesan training (offered at St. Peter's) and be licensed by the Bishop.

Serve Each Other

  • Greeters

    Greeters provide a warm welcome for all worshippers, especially newcomers and guests. They invite people to sign the register, assist them with worship as needed, and share coffee and fellowship together. They also give tours of the campus, answer questions and introduce them to others.

  • Coffee Hour Hosts

    The Sunday morning coffee and doughnuts are prepared by a quiet but dedicated group of people who come early, stay late and provide much-appreciated refreshments. They usually work one service a month and we are always looking for people who wish to join this ministry which provides a guaranteed first choice of doughnuts.

  • Healing Prayer Team

    Those who are part of the The Healing Prayer Team are committed to be available to pray for the physical, emotional and spiritual healing of those in need. Following the worship services on Sunday mornings, the Healing Prayer Team is available to pray for anyone who wishes to receive prayer for healing and renewal, or to offer up prayers of thanksgiving. In response to prayer requests known to clergy or requested by parishioners, the Healing Prayer Team also offers prayers of intercession.

  • Prayer Chain

    The Prayer Chain members receive prayer requests via email and then prays for the request, usually for at least two weeks. Prayer requests are received through the clergy or through the Prayer Request form on this website.

  • Stephen Ministries

    Stephen Ministers at St. Peter's are lay members of our church who work alongside our priests to provide confidential emotional and spiritual support to anyone going through difficult times. They have received extensive training to help anyone experiencing difficult times such as stressful life transitions, loneliness, unemployment, death in your family, divorce or other family difficulties, hospitalizations, terminal illness, depression or extended sadness.

Contact our Office Manager, Vicki.